Newsletter Term 4 week 5
Principal's report
National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week is usually held every year in early July. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NAIDOC Week was postponed and the National NAIDOC Committee announced that this year celebrations would be held in November.
NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements and is an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society. This year, the theme for NAIDOC Week, which will be celebrated from 8 to 15 November inclusive, is ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’.
Our first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples and we have maintained ongoing spiritual and cultural connections to the land and sea.
COVID Guideline Updates
It has been great to see a few changes to the guidelines. We are currently working through the organisation around end of year celebrations, graduations and end of year award presentations. More information will be provided over the coming weeks. Thank you to the parents who are picking up quickly in the K-2 playground and leaving straight away. We greatly appreciate that social distancing practices are continuing to occur for the safety of all.
Kindergarten Orientation
It was lovely to see big smiles all around last Friday for our first orientation session. Thank you to the parents who dropped off quickly. Our new kindergarten students settled quickly and easily into the routines of a kindergarten classroom. We look forward to seeing all these children again this Friday the 13th of November. Thank you Rachel Ridley Assistant Principal and Kerrie Nugent our school administration officer for the fantastic organisation and communication surrounding orientation.
Important dates for your Diary
Last day of Term 4 2020, for students will be Wednesday 16th of December. School will be non-operational on Friday the 18th of December. School will recommence for teachers on the 27th of January 2021. The first two days of Term One will be Staff Development Days.
Students 1-6 will commence on Friday the 29th of January 2021. Kindergarten students will be commencing on the 3rd of February 2021 following their Best Start interviews.
Communication Processes
Just a reminder that classroom teachers are first line of communication. We now have a comprehensive Balgowlah North communication procedure that has been uploaded to the newsletter and the school website. The following staff are currently responsible for specific grades/stages if you need to contact them for further information/clarification around any concerns.
Early Stage One Rachel Ridley - Assistant Principal
Stage One Alice Pond – Relieving Assistant Principal
Stage Two Sascha Carroll – Relieving Assistant Principal
Stage Three Patricia Vitale – Relieving Assistant Principal
Susie Stock – Relieving Assistant Principal
We have a very generous parent body at Balgowlah North Public School. We understand and appreciate that parents like to show their appreciation of their child’s class teacher as the year ends. We please kindly ask that individual gifts are kept under the $50.00 limit as per the DoE guidelines.
Internet Safety
The Department of Education has sent the following advice for parents to assist in limiting students’ exposure to harmful online content and keep our children safe.
Then following points are great reminders for parents when monitoring and keeping our children safe online.
1. Engage in your child’s online activity and discuss the types of apps, websites and games they are viewing to ensure content is age-appropriate.
2. Make use of parental control on devices to help limit your child’s online exposure.
3. Help your child report and block inappropriate content on social media or apps.
Brooke Keevers
Year 5 & Year 6 students at the NRL Eagle Tag gala day
Deputy Principal's report
Sensory Room
Our sensory room is in full swing, with students regularly enjoying the various sensory tools available. This is a unique space to have in a mainstream public school and we are grateful for the work that has gone into making this space available. Students are assessed through our Diverse Learners Team to decide the best tools and access required to assist with their learning, social skills and regulation. Our learning and support teacher, Mrs Ross, our SLSOs and school counsellor are all regularly supporting students with the sensory tools available. We are pleased to see the space making such a positive impact on our students. Should the Diverse Learners Team consider that your child would benefit from the use of this space, we will contact you and discuss how this will positively impact your child. Classroom teachers are able to book the room for their class, with a number of classes already making use for activities such as mindfulness and small group work.
Year 6 Camp
We had a marvellous time at 'Adventureland', Forster last week. All students showed enthusiasm, courage and team work and Miss Vitale, Mr Zeppel and I were proud of how they tackled each challenge. The students completed activities such as 'Mud World', high ropes, team challenge, the giant swing, water slides and rock climbing. I'd like to offer my personal thanks to Miss Vitale and Mr Zeppel for their time and supervision on camp. It is a huge ask to leave friends and family behind for two nights, and both of these teachers did so willingly, even having a go at a number of the activities! Thank you to the parent community for your support of the camp.
OC Test
This is a reminder to Year 4 parents whose child is sitting the OC Test on 18 November. I will be supervising this test and it will be held in 5S at 9.00am. Students must be on time to school. Specific information regarding the test was sent home to Year 4 parents via the app and a paper copy to registered students.
Week 5 K-6 Assembly
The Week 5 K-6 assembly will be streamed via zoom to all classrooms. Photographs of award recipients will be taken and placed in next week's newsletter.
Belinda Norrie
A/Deputy Principal
Year 6 camp
Assembly Awards
Class snapshot
Weekly focus:
We follow directions promptly
What it looks like:
- Speak with kindness and respect
- Listen carefully to instructions
- Do what is expected in a respectful and timely manner
Library news
Deborah Abela
This week we have enjoyed some wonderfully entertaining and engaging presentations from our visiting author Deborah Abela. She has inspired our students with magnificent storytelling and shared some secrets to her writing success.
Students can order signed copies of Deborah Abela’s books from the link below. Alternatively, you can call The Children’s Bookshop directly on 9571 1897 to order and pay over the phone. The books will be delivered to the school.
Australian Reading Hour
This visit coincides with an Australian government initiative – Australia Reads. This week Australians of all ages are invited to share and celebrate the joys of reading and Deb Abela’s visit has certainly supported this at our school. On Thursday, 12th November is Australian Reading Hour, where we are encouraged to stop what we are doing for an hour, pick up a book and read to yourself or the children in your life. I hope you can find the time to share a story and embrace this event in your homes this week.
My New Gallery
Waste Free Wednesday
Congratulations KW, 4C & 4M - 100% waste free
Band news
The attached recording is our wonderful String Ensemble performing Wood Splitter Fanfare.They sound amazing!
If you are interested in joining the school band or string ensemble programme in 2021, please contact by the end of this week.
Congratulations to James Randall who received A Honours in his Grade 2 saxaphone exam.
Dates for your diary
12 November
- Australian reading hour
13 November
- DanceSport gala day
- Kindergarten 2021 Orientation #2
17 November
- Stage 2 Surf Education talk
18 November
- OC test
- Year 5 leadership training