Newsletter Term 3 Week 9 2023
"We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians on whose land our school rests. Their footsteps and whispers blow in the wind, drift on the clouds, remain deep in the sandstone and float on the waterways of this place. Their memories and Dreaming stories will continue to connect us to the land and guide future generations of our school community. Country is alive if you take the time to look, listen and learn."
Principal's message
Curriculum Reform
During Week 9 and 10 of term our stage team of teachers collaboratively plan, program and analyse student data during a designated planning day. Our teachers have a strong culture of shared responsibility within our school to collectively seek to understand what is working well for student outcomes and what we need to further develop. With the changes to new syllabi for English and Mathematics this gives us opportunities to reflect on our next steps in professional learning and keeps our focus on learning together. Our K-2 teachers will be presenting a parent workshop early in Term 4 to share our knowledge and understanding of the new Mathematics syllabi.
Music Room mural
What a wonderful transformation on our music room walls. An art collaboration is evolving with ‘Blackbook Ink’ mural artist Brode Compton. His inspiration was taken from our stage one students. Our students are enjoying watching the mural come to life.
P&C Movie Night
Thank you to our amazing P&C for a fabulous family friendly outdoor movie night. Thank you to the wonderful band of parents who supported the organising parents. A particular shout out to Pippa Lester, Nicola Ekas, Nics Brennan, Amy Cloran & Heather Holmes. Thank you for the clear communication, and focus on good fun for our students - Thank you.
Battle of The Bands
We look forward to hosting The Battle of The Bands this Sunday. We will welcome Curl Curl North, Manly West and Manly Village bands to our school to perform. Thank you to our band parents who have supported our students and conductors to ensure that this tradition continues at Balgowlah North.
Leaving in 2024
If you know that your child will be leaving at the end of 2023 it would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the google link below. This gives us a chance to plan the class and school structure for 2024.
Teddy Bears Picnic
We look forward to welcoming our new kindergarten students and parents for a teddy bears picnic next Tuesday morning
Brooke Keevers
Assistant Principals News
Learning Dispositions
Over the last few weeks, teachers have been engaged in professional learning to build their knowledge and expertise in the area of Learning Dispositions.
Learning dispositions, or habits of mind, are the different characteristics with which children approach the learning process. Teaching children techniques that develop their ability to learn effectively and encourage them to embrace challenge, sets them up to be lifelong learners.
Having tools to stretch us out of our comfort zone and continue to learn is at the forefront. Learning is more than just skills and knowledge. Building autonomous learners ensures our students are able to self direct, self regulate and be involved in decision making and ultimately to build independence both in and outside of the classroom.
After much collaboration and discussion about the research underpinning Learning Dispositions, staff have identified the following areas of focus for our school.
We are looking forward to exploring this further and developing rich, engaging learning experiences for the students at BNPS. We will unpack this further through our work with our Positive Behaviour for Learning and through the content of our curriculum.
Michelle Mandalidis & Suzie Stock
Wellbeing team
School News
Congratulations to our students who competed in the Dance Sport competition at Beacon Hill on Sunday. Ben B, Harry W, Julian C, Meg A, Aven L and Amelia S all received places & some were awarded medals
Sports News
Could you please ensure that all students who played winter PSSA have returned their uniform. We still have a few soccer shirts that have not yet been returned. Thank you.
PSSA Round 5 games take place this Friday 15 September. PSSA training commences this week.
NOTE: there is NO PSSA training, games or sport in week 10 Friday 22 September (last day of term)
Admin News
School Grounds
The school ovals and courts are under Community Use Agreements with local community sporting groups throughout the year. Summer season is Manly Warringah Junior Cricket Association. Winter is Seaforth Netball and Seaforth Soccer Clubs.
AFL NSW will be holding workshops on the oval in Term 4.
There is no community use of the grounds before 9am. The school uses this time to train their own teams for PSSA sport.
Koolkuna, in their lease agreement has the use of the covered Netball/Basketball and futsal court every afternoon.
Waste Free Wednesday
Class Snapshot 1ES
Positive Behaviour for Learning
The Week Ahead
Wednesday 13 September Kindergarten and Year 6 excursion Taronga Zoo
Thursday 14 September RU OK Day
Thursday 14 September Kindergarten School Tour 9:15am - 10:00am
Sunday 17 September Battle of the Bands P & C 10.00am-2.00pm
Monday 18 September Whole School Assembly 1.45pm
Tuesday 19 September Teddy Bears Picnic for new Kindergarten families 9.30am-10.30am
Thursday 21 September Kindergarten School Tour 9:15am - 10:00am
Monday 25 September School holidays commence
Canteen News
Lots of hungry kids needing emergency sandwiches this week.
With the onset of Spring we imagine there are lots of growth spurts happening that need extra fuel and of course there is always the odd lunch being stolen by the local birds. If you're sending a lunch maybe pack a little extra or send them with some change incase they need to top up at lunch time.
Mel & Alex
Koolkuna News
Please find attached the 2023 Winter Vacation Care Program. Bookings are now open via the My Family Lounge App. Use the My Family Lounge App to find the bookings tabs labelled "Vacation Care K-2" and "Vacation Care 3-6" where you will be able to book each child in for the days requested. When the day turns purple your child is successfully booked in for that day.
Please ensure you book in early to avoid disappointment!
Koolkuna OSHC Admin
P & C News
Movie Night
A number of items were left behind after the Movie Night. They are in a box in the school office. Please collect asap.
Band News
Battle of the Bands – Sunday 17 September
Come to the school this coming Sunday to cheer the bands on as they compete to win the Battle of the Bands Trophy and the John Speight Encourage Award.
The Band battles will start at 11am with Manly West PS, Manly Village PS, Balgowah North PS and Curl Curl PS all vying for the trophy.
BBQ and cake stall will be operating from 10am, please come along and support our wonderful band program.
School Community news
Huge congratulations to Blake M who performed as part of his Gymnastics team of five at the NSW State Teams Competition yesterday and his team came overall second in the State. Well done Blake!
Manly Dam Series - Powerful Owl Project
Thursday, 14 September 2023 - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location BNPS hall
Australia’s largest owl is the Powerful Owl, with a wingspan of 140cm!
These beautiful creatures live around Manly Dam. Maybe you have seen one or heard one near you. Discover more about these magnificent raptors from a birding expert and learn about the Powerful Owl Project.
Manly Dam Series - Powerful Owl Project | Northern Beaches Council (