Newsletter Term 4 week 3 2023
"We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians on whose land our school rests. Their footsteps and whispers blow in the wind, drift on the clouds, remain deep in the sandstone and float on the waterways of this place. Their memories and Dreaming stories will continue to connect us to the land and guide future generations of our school community. Country is alive if you take the time to look, listen and learn."
Principal's message
School Improvement Plan
As you would all be aware last term the school underwent the external validation process that occurs in schools every 4 years. This was cause for celebration for all the work, effort and commitment that our students, staff and leaders have put in to continue to strengthen our practices and build opportunities for all our students to grow, thrive and reach their potential.
Our next steps as a school is to complete our situational analysis which considers all the evidence across the school. Priorities are identified, these are connected to current research targeted at student growth and attainment. We then align the analysis to the School Excellence Framework. At the P&C meeting tonight we will spend time on the thinking that is underpinning our directions and collect feedback from the parent body. Please come to the meeting tonight if you’d like to provide feedback or ask questions. This term is a time to consult, review and reflect and position ourselves ready to start with a new School Improvement Plan for 2024.
Principal For A Day
What a fabulous response to the Principal For A Day raffle. The P&C Band committee raised over $1600 towards the band programs from this new initiative. I’m pleased to announce that Lexie B will be working with me next Monday. I look forward to sharing the day with her, visiting classrooms, handing out awards, talking at assembly and attending playground duty, the student leaders meetings and the myriad of other things that happen in the daily life of a school!
Students not returning for 2024
If your child will not be returning in 2024 could you please complete the google link below. This information is very important because it has an impact on our class structures and staffing of the school.
Planning for 2024
We are extremely fortunate at BNPS to have highly skilled, professional and passionate teachers. Creating classes is an extremely rigorous process that teachers take very seriously. Our aim is to provide equity for all students based on their academic, social and emotional needs. We will be creating composite (multi stage) classes in 2024. These classes as all our classes will be created carefully to create best fit for all our students at BNPS. Please see the attachment for further information .
If your child has any social, academic or emotional needs that we are unaware of which may have an impact on their class placement for 2024 please email the school - attention Brooke Keevers. This information must be submitted by Friday 3rd of November. Requests for specific teachers will not be taken into consideration.
Kind regards
Brooke Keevers
Assistant Principals News
An insight into mathematics in our K-2 classrooms
We had a wonderful turnout in our school hall last Wednesday, where teachers shared their understanding and strategies for teaching maths in the first few years of schooling.
The new NSW Mathematics syllabus focuses on making connections across concepts, so that children see how mathematics is all around them and the things they already know can help them understand new concepts and skills that they are learning. There is also a focus on developing reasoning skills and students are encouraged to talk about how they are solving mathematical problems, justifying how their strategies are efficient or inefficient compared to others. Verbalising their working allows students to clarify their thinking and gives teachers great insight into how they can support each student to improve.
On Wednesday afternoon, each teacher brought along a game which they use to explore one of the areas in the NSW Mathematics syllabus. Each game can be adapted to support students struggling with the concept/skill, can be used to practice and master the skills being learnt and also adapted to extend students who have already achieved mastery.
We knew no timing for our workshop was going to suit all families and their commitments so we would like to share the following slides outlining the equipment, instructions and adaptations for all of the games that were presented last Wednesday. All of these games can be played at home with a collection of household items and we encourage parents and carers to have a ‘play with maths’ at home.
Early Stage One and Stage One Teams.
School News
Sports News
Admin News
Kindergarten enrolments
We look forward to welcoming our new Kindergarten students on Thursday 26th October at the first orientation session. If you have not done so already, can you please submit an enrolment for your child. If you have already submitted your forms but have more paperwork you need to submit please bring it to the office as soon as you can.
School Bytes Parent Portal
For any parents who still have not set up the School Bytes Parent Portal, please find instructions below:
Admin Team
Waste Free Wednesday
Class Snapshot - 3H
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Library News
Scholastic Book Club
Please complete your orders online for Issue Number 7 by the end of this week.
State Library NSW Open Day
This Sunday, October 29, the NSW State Library is having an open day with lots of wonderful literary experiences planned for children and adults. The day begins at 9:45am on the steps of the Mitchell building with a smoking ceremony and activities include interactive author and illustrator talks, tours, and performances. Find more information at: and scroll down to Kids and Families.
EBook and Audio Books
It’s great to see lots of students using our EBook and Audio Book libraries. These libraries are continually being updated and there are some wonderful titles recently added including: Evie and Rhino by Neridah McMullin, Wolf Girl 8 by Ahn Do, Runt by Craig Silvey and Picasso and the Greatest Show On Earth by Anna Fienberg.
The Week Ahead
Tuesday 24 October - Pip Harry Stage 3 Writing Workshop (6/5H and 6S)
Wednesday 25 October - P & C Meeting 7.30pm
Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 October - NSWPSSA Athletics Championship
Wednesday 25 October - Pip Harry Stage 3 Writing Workshop (5M and 5R)
Thursday 26 October - 1st Kindergarten Orientation Session 9.30am -10.45am
Thursday 26 October - Band Information Evening 6.30pm-7.30pm
Friday 27 October - World Teacher's Day
Sunday 29 October - Mall Music Showcase 12.00pm-1.00pm
Thursday 2 November - 2nd Kindergarten Orientation Session 9.30am -10.45am
Band News
Band 2024 – Join our Fabulous Band Program. We are excited!
Learn about our Band Program at the Band Parent Information Evening – Thurs 26 October 6.30pm in the Hall
We are delighted to invite students who will be in Years 3 -5 in 2024, to join our band program next year. Playing an instrument and being part of a large team such as a band is an enjoyable, social experience, benefitting the children in many ways. There is a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from playing an instrument as well as many other benefits including improved literacy and mathematical skills, better coordination, social development, organisation skills, leadership and much more.
If you already know which instrument/s your child might like to try at the instrument tryout morning, please register for a tryout via the Band Registration Form.
IMPORTANT DATES to learn about Band.
Thursday 26 October – Parent Information Evening 6.30pm
It's the parents turn to learn about band at the Parent Information Evening. Join us from 6.30pm in the Hall. Our concert band is putting together a special presentation where you will enjoy their performances, learn about the instruments from the players themselves and hear from our Director of Bands about the opportunities and positive experience your child can have as a member of the band. Plus there will be plenty of time to ask questions. Please bring your future band member/budding musician along also. They will really enjoy it.
Thursday 2 November – Try An Instrument 7.30am in the Hall
Bring your child along to the tryout some instruments to see which instrument they are best suited to play. Experienced tutors will look at factors, such as mouth shape, stature, teeth, hands, balance of the band and your child’s preferences to advise the instrument that will give your child the best chance of success and enjoyment. Register to participate in the instrument tryout via the Band Registration Form.
More information about our band program can be found on
If you have questions please contact our band manager on
Canteen News
Our friday lunch special is nachos, hop onto Flexischools to place your orders!
Please also be advised that there are no birthday buckets on Fridays.
Mel and Alex - Canteen
Koolkuna News
A very big thank you for all families across our three Sustainable OSHC centres, Koolkuna, Manly Vale and Belrose, for your generous donations for our Smiles2U collection.
We dropped off the donations last week and Smiles2U was very grateful for the large amount of considerate donations. They are sure the donations will bring so much joy and happiness to the recipients of the Smile2U bags in hospital.
Koolkuna OSHC Admin
P & C News
P&C meeting
Wednesday 25th October (tonight) 7.30pm school library. All welcome!
Mum’s event
Our Mother’s event on Saturday afternoon was fabulous, a huge thank you to the team, who ran the event, Kristelle, Nicky, Leanne and Kirsten. Thank you to the Bowling Club for hosting us, the amazing grazing by Buffet by Bonnie and the sweets from Woodbine Bakery. Our very talented parents Greg Nunan and Mandy Hunt for their musical skills!
Thank you to our sponsors, Wavescape Orthdonics, Active Skin, Holixir, Louise Ashdown of Stone RE, Amis & Moi, House of Huggelig, Pleasing Pottery, Garfish, Captain Monstera and Seven Miles Coffee Roasters.
Dad’s event
Save the Date (please notice the change from what was originally sent)
More details to follow