Newsletter Term 1 week 2 2024
"We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians on whose land our school rests. Their footsteps and whispers blow in the wind, drift on the clouds, remain deep in the sandstone and float on the waterways of this place. Their memories and Dreaming stories will continue to connect us to the land and guide future generations of our school community. Country is alive if you take the time to look, listen and learn."
Principal's message
Kindergarten 2024
Wonderful to welcome our Kindergarten students yesterday. What a lovely start, our students have settled so easily into the start of school. It is a bittersweet moment as a parent seeing your child’s steps towards independence. Thank you for all the positive preparation that has set them up for a great start.
Playground Protocols
Building connections and resilience are an important part of beginning school. An important aspect of this is our Early Stage One (kindergarten) and Stage One students taking responsibility for their own belongings. Carrying their own bag and hanging it in the correct place build a sense of responsibility and independence.
Our playground has supervision from 8.30am. Please ensure your child is at school by 8.45am. This gives them time to say goodbye to you and gives them time to play with their friends. This transition time is important to your child feeling settled and ready to start a day of learning.
Staff 2024
Interested in the role of Class Parent?
Your role
- Help with communication between the families of children in the class, with the teacher, school and P&C committees.
- Help to make families feel part of the school.
What does the Class Parent do?
- Make a list of names and contact details of class families.
- Support your class teacher as required.
- E-mail important information to class families from the school or P&C committees.
- Organize social activities for class families.
- Attend P&C meetings or read the minutes if unable to attend.
How do we choose a class parent?
- An Expression of Interest is sent out to parents. (Below)
- If only one parent volunteers they become Class Parent
- If more than one parent is interested, we will invite the parent who has not filled this role before to become a class parent.
- If all volunteers for the role have been class parent before, we will draw a name out of a hat.
If you would like to be a class parent please fill out the link below before Friday the 9th of February.
Meet the Teacher - Tuesday 20th February
Just a heads up we are changing the format of our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions. Following feedback at P&C meetings we are trialling a drop in afternoon that you can pop in with your children to meet their class teacher and see where your child sits and important information that your child may want to share with you about their new classroom. Prior to the afternoon drop in, we will send home the Parent Information newsletter for your stage.
There will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have regarding the educational programs provided for your child’s stage. We are in the process of organising this and will provide more information next week in the newsletter.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 20th of February.
Kind regards
Brooke Keevers
Assistant Principal News
Wellbeing and Diverse Learner’s Team
Managing the transition to the new school year
The start of a new school year is a time of great change for our students. While this is an exciting time for many, we understand it can be more challenging for others who may take longer to settle or require more support.
Change is a normal and unavoidable part of life that our children must develop strategies for managing. We can best support our students by encouraging a positive attitude to change. When students embrace their new circumstances and look for opportunities to grow and challenge themselves they will also develop flexibility, strength and resilience. These are essential personal capabilities that will enable our children to thrive and succeed throughout their lives.
Adapting to a new class, classmates and teacher may take some time. We ask that you reassure your children and trust that the teachers have put significant thought and consideration into the complex decision making that goes into forming classes that meet the academic, social and emotional needs of our students.
We encourage you to reach out if you are concerned your child may require additional support in settling into their new class.
Diverse Learner’s Team
Our Diverse Learner’s Team (DLT) monitors student academic, social, emotional and behavioural development and works with families, external agencies and students to ensure students are supported to thrive. Referrals to the DLT can be made through Classroom Teachers or parents.
The DLT for 2024 is comprised of:
- Brooke Keevers (Principal)
- Rachel Ridley (Assistant Principal- Wellbeing)
- Joy Thompson (School Counsellor)
- Anna Harris (Learning and Support Teacher)
- Stage Assistant Principal and Classroom Teacher of identified student
Many of our identified students can be supported through differentiated programming and classroom support modifications that can be implemented by the Classroom Teacher. Where individual adjustments require greater support, a Personalised Learning Plan or Individual Behaviour Support Plan will be developed in conjunction with the student and their parents.
We ask that parents ensure all reports from external health professionals including paediatricians, psychologists, occupational therapists and speech therapists are provided to the Diverse Learners Team so that we can ensure we have a complete understanding of how we can best support your child’s development.
If you are commencing therapy or assessment with an external clinician and they require the Classroom Teacher to complete a questionnaire or an observational report from the School Counsellor, you will need to complete a parent DLT referral to enable us to exchange information with the external provider.
Joy Thompson, our school counsellor, will work at our school on Wednesday and Thursday this year. Our DLT works with Mrs Thompson to manage her caseload and prioritise referrals by acuity. We ask for your patience and understanding that there may be some wait time for student observations and assessments that do not have an immediate impact on student wellbeing.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions about the DLT or require a DLT referral form.
Rachel Ridley
Assistant Principal-Wellbeing/Instructional Leader K - 2
School News
Stage 3: Newspaper Dress Challenge
Last Thursday, we were challenged to create a piece of clothing but had to use newspaper, string and leaves only. We split into groups of four people and had time to design our outfit. It was so much fun putting clothes on the model and testing out our clothes. We needed to think creatively and outside the box. After recess we got to do the best bit. Laughter and fashion filled the hall as people in newspapers streamed down the catwalk while music boomed out of the speaker. One person from the group described the model creation. Even though my group didn’t win, we still had so much fun. It was an amazing start to the year. Everyone loved it.
Evie H.A 6/5M
What a great way to begin Year 5! This activity allowed us to be so creative. We improvised quite a bit and had to keep working to improve our design, constantly checking for quality control. The students had to use our collaboration skills and worked well as a team. We all contributed ideas. One of the winning teams included Arkie, Henri, Toby and Austin from 5V. The group found that they had to be imaginative, developing so many ideas for their design. As the team created their outfit, their ideas grew to be more creative. We loved that we were free to do what we liked for our designs. We had a great time and a huge amount of fun!
Love 5V
On Thursday the 1st of February 2024 Year 6 got to participate in a red carpet fashion parade activity which involved making newspaper outfits and accessories for a ‘strut down the runway’. Students were able to choose their groups of four to five people. Each group assigned one model to show off their creations and another person to explain and describe their outfit. Each group got limited amounts of string, newspaper and sticky tape. They needed to use all their imagination and creativity to produce an outfit. Everyone had a great time singing to music and strutting down the runway.
Grace C and Bronte S 6S
On our first day back at school Stage 3 got together under the COLA and were told about our Stage challenge we would be completing today. We were to go back to our class rooms, after getting into groups of four and design an item of clothing for a fashion parade. We decided on a model and started planning our design. Once we finished deciding what to do we got to work. Out of string, tape, newspaper and sticky tape we fashioned unique and fashionable designs. Once the designs were complete, we set out to the hall. It was filled with new, fabulous and unique fashion. LET THE PARADE BEGIN! The models paraded down the aisle whilst a member of each group explained their design. The parade finished and Stage 3 waited through lunch and at lines the winners were announced. It was really fun working in groups and using our creativity to create our fashion pieces.
Charli K 6/5H
Creative Arts Corner
2024 Dance and Music news!
DANCE! - This term students are participating in weekly Dance lessons with Mrs McAllister. We are learning about performing, composing and dance influences. Lessons include a warm up/stretch, explicit teaching, learning activities, reflection and a cool down. The learning will also have a focus on Aboriginal Dance and dance through time, finishing with a Hip Hop incursion. Students will be having lessons in Music in Term 2. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting term in Creative Arts.
Eliza McAllister
Dance and Music Teacher
2024 Higher Potential and G&T in Creative Arts opportunities
There are numerous Creative Arts opportunities (Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Music) provided by the Arts Units NSW. The following suggestions provide students with unique extension experiences in creative arts. If you are interested in any of the experiences for your child below please contact Eliza McAllister or the school directly and apply online.
Instrumental and vocal items for state music festivals
NSW Public Schools State Music Camps
Sydney North Public Schools Vocal Ensembles
2024 NSW Public Schools Dance Ensembles
2024 NSW public schools boys dance ensemble
Drama Skills Development Workshops
Visual Arts
Admin News
Contact Details
Please ensure the school has your correct contact numbers and address. Please use the 'Contact Us" on the app to advise of any changes.
Health Conditions
Please advise the school immediately if your child has a contagious disease as we have students/staff/community members who are immunocompromised.
School Bytes Parent Portal
We have transitioned to School Bytes in 2024 so it is really important that you download the parents portal. For any parents who still have not set up the School Bytes Parent Portal, please find instructions below:
Admin Team
Sports News
Friday Afternoon Sport for Years 3 - 6
Manly District Process 2024 (Primary School Sports Association)
PSSA is open to all students in Years 3-6. Students who are selected in a PSSA team will travel by bus each Friday to different venues to play teams from other schools in the Manly Zone. Summer PSSA is played in Terms 1 & 4. Students selected for a sport in Term 1 continue in the team in Term 4.
Sports: Cricket, AFL, Eagle Tag Boys & Girls
Students register and try out for a sport over 2/3 Fridays, weeks 2, 3, 4. Teams will be posted Monday Week 5.
Round 1 starts week 5, Friday 1st March.
The number of teams sent to PSSA is governed by student interest and staff available to take the teams.
Teams travel by bus to the fields. Cost for PSSA is $65 per term due to the current cost of buses.
Winter PSSA is played in Terms 2 & 3. Students selected for a sport in Term 2 continue in the team in Term 3.
Sports: Netball, Soccer boys & girls
Students register and try out for a sport over 3 Fridays, Term 1 - week 10 & 11. Term 2, Week 1. Teams will be posted Monday Week 3.
Round 1 starts week 3, Friday 17 May.
The number of teams sent to PSSA is governed by student interest and staff available to take the teams.
Teams travel by bus to the fields. Cost for PSSA is $65 per term due to the current cost of buses
Students who do not play PSSA have the options to play Tennis at Voyager Tennis Centre or School Sport this term we will be providing coaches for Basketball and AFL. The cost of Tennis is $12 per week and School Sport $40 per term.. The number of weeks changes term to term depending on the PSSA calendar. Students register each term via the School Bytes portal. An email will be sent to students in years 3 to 6 titled "Tennis". Click the link to register. The tennis fee will then be added to your statement of account for payment prior to tennis starting.
Each term specialised coaches work with school staff to provide interesting and engaging physical activities during school sport. School Sport for Term 1 2024 consists of a range of sport skills based activities including Basketball and AFL.
All of the above is subject to weather. Fees will be charged per term. If weeks are rained out you will be notified on the Schoolzine app.
PSSA trials begin Friday 9th February, please ensure your child brings what they need to school to try out.
For further information on school sport you can refer to our BNPS sports policy on the website here:
Kind regards
Kerry Kelly
Library News
The year kicked off in the library with an amazing vibe of enthusiastic borrowing! In the coming weeks, every class will be spending 40 minutes in the library, where students can explore and borrow from our diverse collection. I'll also be reminding everyone about the various digital platforms available in the next couple of weeks.
These include:
- eBook and Audio Book library.
These can be found at
or by downloading the EPlatform by wheelers app and finding our school. To borrow a book on this platform, students use their DET username and password.
- Storybox Library – a fantastic collection of videos of favourite stories read by wonderful storytellers.
password: booksbnps
username: books
- World Book Online – online encyclopedia. Username and password: bnps
Lunchtime in the Library
Students are welcome to come to our library at lunchtime at 1:15pm (second half lunch) on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will have the opportunity to play with Lego, draw or read books. Students can also borrow at this time.
Amanda Mason
The Week Ahead
Friday 9 February PSSA Summer trials commence
Tuesday 20 February Meet the Teacher
Wednesday 21 February 3 -6 School Swimming Carnival + Year 2 students turning 8 in 2024
Friday 23 February Kindergarten Parents drinks (see flyer in P & C news)
Band News
Join our 2024 Band Program – register NOW
Our bands will be starting back at rehearsals soon and we are keen to see more students join us.
Being part of a band and playing an instrument is a wonderful experience with so many benefits in addition to learning a new skill.
We are still accepting new members from years 3-5.
If your child would like to join the band please read about Band on our website
Questions? Send us an email and we will be in touch:
Strings Program – register online
Our string will begin this week (Thurs 5 February) on Thursday morning in the Library.
If you would like your child to join our string group please go to the website to register and for more information and access the string section
Enquiries can be made at
Canteen News
Welcome back to 2024, please find below the menu for our canteen.
P & C News
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Welcome to the second hand uniform shop!! For those who are new to our school, BNPS has a second hand uniform shop available to all families. 100% of the money raised from sales goes directly back to the P&C and helps to provide resources for our children and the school.
The shop is open weekly, on Wednesday’s, between 2.30pm – 3.15pm and all items are $10.
We are located on the front verandah (Manning Street side)-Just look for the clothing racks!
Credit card facilities available. Cash also accepted. To make this whole process possible, we need your uniform donations. Please only donate items that are in good condition (would you put it on your own child?). We would also appreciate items being washed before being donated and please only donate items that are the current BNPS school uniform. All uniform donations can be dropped to the office at anytime. Please keep an eye out on the ‘North Balgowlah Community Group’ and ‘NOBAhood’ pages on Facebook for reminders of when we are open. Thanks in advance for your support.
Eve Harvey
P & C Meeting
The first P&C meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday 21 February at the school library. It’s a great opportunity to get involved and we’d love to see as many of you there as possible.
If anyone has any agenda items they’d like raising at the meeting, please email Cath Mcmillan on
Treasurer position
In more P&C news, we are sad to be loosing our wonderful Treasurer Lisa Forster, who is stepping down from her role after many years of service. Thank you Lisa.This means that the Treasurer role is immediately available for election. If you have any financial experience and can spare some time to join our committee in this role going forward, we’d love to hear from you to discuss further- please reach out to Karen (