Newsletter Term 1 Week 9 2021
Principal's report
What a busy term this has been and it’s not over yet! Our student leaders are off on Thursday with Mrs Stock to the Young Leaders Day. Halogen Australia exists to inspire & influence a generation of young people to lead themselves and others well. We look forward to hearing all about it.
Our last day of term is Thursday the 1st of April. Term 2 commences with a staff professional learning day on Monday the 19th and resumes on Tuesday the 20th of April for students.
Due to all the wet weather the P&C Working bee was postponed last week, it has been rescheduled for this weekend Sunday March 28th 10am -12am.
If you are able to help out please sign up through the link. Thank you to the P&C for all your hard work and commitment to caring for our school grounds.
Colour Run
Our school fundraiser is slowly creeping up. We have just about hit the $2500 mark. Our target of $10 000 will make a huge difference to our teaching and learning programs. Every little bit helps!
ALSO we have another fabulous prize donated:
- a pizza lunch for the class that raises the most
- movie tickets for the whole family for the child that raises the most
To donate online, click on this link: or go to our website or schoolzine app, and go to 'Make a Payment'.
- Add the student's name you are donating for.
- Add their class and DOB (it's ok if this isn't 100% accurate!).
- Click 'Next' and add your contact details.
- List the 'Payment Type' as 'Other'
- In the Description write 'Colour Run'
- Add the amount and the card holder's details.
- Submit!
We also accept cash!
We are Back!!
Our Senior Band took advantage of the sunshine to perform outdoors for students and families arriving at school this morning.
Well done Senior Band for giving an enthusiastic and joyful performance. The audience loved it calling for encores to the delight of the Senior Band students. Thanks to our very proud conductor, Natasha Roumanoff and thanks to the parents who helped with set up and pack up of the performance area.
Next Monday morning our Concert Band will be performing in the same location which will be a lovely start to the week for students and teachers. Later in the day Concert Band will perform at Recognition Assembly under the COLA.
If you would like to enquire about band or strings please e-mail or text Caroline on 0403 579 130.
External Student Assessments
Students from Years 3-6 will be involved in some external assessment/surveys in the coming weeks :
- Weeks 1 & 2 of Term 2 – Tell Them From Me Surveys for students from Years 4 - 6
- Weeks 1 & 2 of Term 2 – Check In Assessments in reading and numeracy for Year 4 & Year 6
- Week 3 of Term 2 – NAPLAN Equating Study for a sample of students from Year 3 & Year 5
- Week 4 of Term 2 – NAPLAN assessments for all students in Year 3 & Year 5
Brooke Keevers
Deputy Principal's report
What Works Best - Classroom Management
We are nearly at the end of our ‘What Works Best’ series highlights. The next in the series asks us to reflect on classroom management and how we develop relationships, provide strong organisation and routines for our students, have high expectations for behaviour management and how we interact with our students during learning tasks. As a classroom teacher, we are experts in knowing our students and how they learn, and use each of these interchangeably to ensure a learning environment that is student-focused, calm and safe.
Check In Assessment
Year 4 and 6 students will participate in a reading and numeracy check-in assessment.
The check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online reading and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning.
The check-in assessments can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs.
The assessment will be scheduled for our Year 4 and 6 students during Term 2 Week 1 and 2. Years 3 and 5 will complete the assessment in Term 4. Students with disability may receive the same level of support during the assessment that they would normally receive in the classroom.
Students will be asked to bring headphones or earbuds that plug into a computer to enable them to hear audio during the assessment. Earbuds used for mobile phones or other portable devices may be suitable for use during the assessment.
Students do not need to do any specific preparation for this assessment, and this assessment is one of many summative assessments we use throughout the year. Students are familiar with online assessment tools through our use of the PAT assessments, which are also multiple choice, that students in Years 2 - 6 complete twice a year. Unlike NAPLAN, it doesn’t provide a parent report, but we do receive results back quite quickly and teachers use this information to plan teaching and learning, and use this information to help with triangulation with our school based, ongoing assessment practices. Please be assured that the Check In assessment is not a ‘high stakes’ test that needs preparation. It is simply a moment in time assessment that adds to our understanding of how students are progressing in their learning.
Belinda Norrie
A/Deputy Principal
World's greatest shave & crazy hair day
On Wednesday the 28th of April, BNPS will once again be supporting the World’s Greatest Shave campaign.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 5 are asked to participate in Crazy Hair Day and bring a gold coin donation for the Leukaemia Foundation. Year 6 students will have the opportunity to shave, cut or colour their hair as part of our school fundraising campaign. Further information about Year 6’s involvement is available on the school app.
This is a longstanding tradition for our school and we look forward to a day of fun and fantastic hairstyles as we support this tremendously worthwhile cause.
Sports news
Hopefully your children have been coming home and telling you about the gymnastics unit that all classes have been participating in over the last few weeks. It has been wonderful to see your children trying new things, facing challenges and safely performing jumps, rolls and routines.
The school Cross Country carnival will be held early in Term 2 on Thursday 29th April. Now is the time to start some running training! Doing some practice over the school holidays would also be a good idea.
Winter PSSA will start in Week 3 of Term 2. Trials will be held on the first two Fridays of Term 2. The Winter Sports on offer are: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Netball and Rugby League. Over the coming week, students will be asked to sign up for the sport they wish to try out for.
Tennis and futsal are available again for Friday afternoon sport during Term 2. We are excited that our School Sport program will include basketball coaching from a specialist Manly Warringah coach.
Kerry Kelly
Sports Teacher
Waste Free Wednesday winners
Well done to our winners for week 8, 4V!
P&C news
Dates for your diary
22-26 March
- Year 2 swimming scheme
28 March
- Working bee
30 March
- Year 1 Manly Dam excursion
31 March
- Year 2 Manly Dam excursion
01 April
- Colour run K-6
- Last day of Term 1
19 April
- School development day
20 April
- Students K-6 return for the start of Term 2
Community information
Canteen news
We are very excited to introduce Birthday Buckets to our menu. The birthday bucket is a beautifully decorated bucket filled with 30 Quelch sticks for the birthday child to enjoy with the class at lunch time. So why not save yourself the trouble of organising a birthday treat for your child and take advantage of our Birthday Buckets! To order just head to the lunch section of the Flexischools app and place your order just like you would any lunch item.
If you have any queries, please email us via
As always, please remember to add PSSA alert to a Friday orders if your child is participating in PSSA.
Thanks,Alex and Mel
Second hand uniform shop
The second hand uniform shop is re-opening!
From this Wednesday (17th March), the second-hand uniform shop will be re-opening on school grounds.
The shop will now be open weekly, on Wednesday’s, between 2.30pm – 3.30pm.
We are located on the front verandah (Manning Street side), next to 5M – Just look for the clothing racks!
Credit card facilities available. Cash also accepted.
Please continue to supply us with your new logo, good condition uniform donations.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday,
Brooke Krncevic and Vanessa van Rijswijk
(Second Hand Uniform Shop Volunteers)
Shoes for Planet Earth
It’s that time of the year again! Bring down your old sports shoes to Koolkuna OSHC and we will donate them to various communities throughout Australia including homeless shelters, youth centres or indigenous community sporting groups!
Please ensure your donations have no holes & good soles!
Combined Martial Arts
Koolkuna has had an overwhelming reaction of families booking in for the Combined Martial Arts Program on Wednesday afternoons in Term 2. We are so excited for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Manly to come and teach us the fundamentals and benefits of this martial art in developing humility, determination and strategic thinking. Don’t forget to book in with Koolkuna to participate in this awesome activity!
Koolkuna OSHC Admin Team
Mob: 0400 774 697 |