Newsletter Term 4 week 1
Principal's report
Welcome back to all out students, teachers and families. It was lovely to visit classrooms yesterday and spend time talking to students about their holidays. Planning has commenced for Term 4 and 2021. A few changes to DoE guidelines have been good to see. As these changes are communicated to us, we then address the changes to our school organisation. This information is communicated via the app and school newsletter. As you would be aware these changes may not be immediate. We are currently investigating the feasibility of a Year 6 camp and we are awaiting guidelines around presentation days and graduations. Further information will be communicated over the coming weeks.
Just a reminder that if any families are requiring financial support at any time for excursions/incursions to please contact the school via phone or school email to speak with myself or Belinda Norrie. The school is able to support our families and students that need it.
Classes for 2021
At the moment our numbers are indicating that we will have 18 classes for 2021. We currently have 54 new kindergarten enrolments forms. We are hoping to be able to create 3 classes if you know of any families that will be attending BNPS next year please ask them to send in their applications.
We are very lucky at BNPS to have such highly skilled, professional and passionate teachers. Creating classes for 2021 is an extremely rigorous process that teachers take very seriously. Our aim is to provide equity for all students based on their academic, social and emotional needs. We will be creating composite classes in 2021 and these classes will be created carefully to create best fit for all our students at BNPS.
If your child has any social, academic or emotional needs that we are unaware of which may impact their class placement for 2021 please email the school – attention Brooke Keevers. This information must be submitted no later than Week 2 of Term 4.
Class Parents
The role has two main purposes -
- Communication between the families of children in the class, with the teacher, school and P&C Committees.
- Help to make families feel part of the school.
If at any time you have concerns about your own child this information is to be communicated directly to the school via phone or email and not communicated through class parents.
COVID 19 Guidelines
NSW Health Website
Information on the current COVID-19 situation is available from the NSW Health Website.
All students should be learning onsite unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence.
Students Sick or Unwell
Students must not come to school if they are unwell. Even with very mild symptoms.
Flu-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste, and loss of smell. Find more information about COVID-19 symptoms.
If a student has been absent due to flu-like illness or develops flu-like symptoms while at school, they are not to return to school until they have a negative COVID-19 test and are symptom-free.
The negative COVID-19 test result must be sighted and received by the school for both students and staff members before their return to school.
School Site Visitors
Non-essential adults are still not permitted on school grounds or at school events. This includes parent and carers except for meetings that are essential.
Any parent or visitor to the school site is required to proceed to the office.
If you are required to attend a meeting or an appointment, you will be asked to complete the visitor acknowledgement form.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
The drop off and pick up procedures for students remain the same as the end of last term.
At drop off and pick up times, parents are expected to maintain physical distance from one another and from staff. Please leave the school site as soon as you have collected your child.
Importantly please respect each other and staff by adhering to this 1.5m guideline.
Drink Bottles
Students are advised to bring a water bottle.
Kindergarten Orientation Program 2021
The Department of Education has developed a guide to support schools in planning orientation programs for students entering Kindergarten in 2021.
These guidelines are currently being reviewed so that a localised plan can be developed to support students starting Kindergarten in 2021.
Information will be communicated to families in coming weeks.
Music Programs
The Department has developed some new guidelines around music programs in the school. We are currently working with Music Directors and the committees and will communicate this information in the coming days.
The following website has further information to assist families.
Brooke Keevers
Bear Pit public speaking competition
Mr James Griffin, member for Manly, to present certificates
At the end of last term the Bear Pit Public Speaking Competition took place for all classes K-6. The finalist from Stage 2 and Stage 3 usually have the opportunity to present their speech at State Parliament in front of our local member, Mr James Griffin, along with other neighbouring schools. Unfortunately, this year, owing to Covid19 health guidelines, it has been cancelled. However, Mr James Griffin has offered to visit Balgowlah North Public School next term, on Monday 19th October, to listen to the 2 finalists for Stage 3 and 4 and present the class finalist certificates. The K-2 classes only have class finalists and all had the opportunity to present their speech in front of their grade.
A very big congratulations to both Kara Nortmann of class 3M from Stage 2 and to Sam Pickard of 5K from Stage 3. An enormous effort and we all look forward to listening to your speech at the assembly with Mr James Griffin.
Also congratulations to the following students who were class finalists.
6V Caitlin Ravell, Keira Kuys, Saxon Flack
6Z Zara Durkin, Teya Cranley, James Kuys
5S Indie Orth, Isla Robinson
5K Sam Pickard, Toby Kick, Scarlett Briger
5J Max Tomlin, Jessica Forster, Juliet Oliver
4M Isabelle Kelly, Ella Morrell, Erin Ravell
4K Summer Wood, Elisha Durkin, Anneliese Olsson
4C Imogen Moore, Bligh Wilson, Beau Pashley
3M Jessica Dreyer, Max Hickey, Kara Nortmann
3B Sophie Rogerson, Max Acheson, Jacob Storer
3A/W Isaac Antolik, Darcy Young, Aiden Barnes
2P William Garrett, Kahlia Manu
2H Elke Demetriou, Kurt Harvey
2E Millie Gaudry, Evelyn Schmidt
2A Bronte Skold, Harry Warnes
1M Cordelia Mercer, Blake Livingstone-Mulqueeny
1R Ben McEvilly, Grace Krncevic
1G Alice Lunsmann, Abbey McMillan
KW Edward O'Del, Claire Zhao, Alice Orth
KM Juliet Kirwan, Cleo Moles, Lucas Mullens
KR/S Ivy Vonhoff, Billy Burke, Faith Garrett
History and Overview
The Bear Pit Public Speaking Competition is open to the Manly electorate’s primary schools. The event was first held in 2009. Over the past 10 years the competition has been an enormous success and has been a testament to the hard work of students, parents, volunteer judges and of course the teachers.
The Bear Pit Team
Deputy Principal's report
UNSW Pre Service Teachers
We welcome two student teachers, Miss Laura Goodwin and Mr Barnaby Wilbury, to Balgowlah North this term. They are working in 1R with Miss Rooleht for two days per week for six weeks, and then will complete their four week practical placement in 1R from Week 6. Supporting pre-service teachers is a valuable experience for both the supervising teacher and the students, and we are excited to provide this rich experience.
Band rehearsals have resumed, albeit very socially distant. Thank you to our conductors for modifying their rehearsals to ensure we are following the COVID-19 restrictions. Our Year 2 band demonstration morning is on Tuesday, 20 October at 9.15am in the hall. All Yr 2 will attend, plus any other interested students from 3-6. Thank you to Mr Harris and some of our concert band students who will be leading this demonstration. The parent information evening is on Thursday 22 October. Please see the band information tab below for all information.
Staff Professional Learning
Our teachers are currently engaging in research about metacognition strategies and supporting students to become self-regulated learners. Our teaching sprints in mathematics continue in this space, with outstanding engagement, dialogue and enthusiasm from our staff. Staff professional learning is a priority at Balgowlah North, to ensure our teachers are across the most recent and high impact research to improve student learning outcomes at all times.
OC Test
The OC test is scheduled for 18 November. Applications have closed, and students who have submitted an application will sit the test at Balgowlah North PS. More information will become available regarding the test schedule in coming weeks.
Term 2, Week 10 Assembly
Please see below for the photos of our students who received principal awards, banners and medals at the Week 10 assembly. Athletics champions were also awarded, and their photo is below also.
Belinda Norrie
A/Deputy Principal
Class snapshots
4K Snapshot
Is it a blue-banded bee? Is it a honey Bee? No, it is the BEEautiful 4K! We had an absolute blast in Term 3, working busy as bees! Speaking of bees, one of our topics in our studies were bees! In English we read about bees, using informative techniques and devices to write amazingly structured informative texts. We have buzzed through our mathematical problems and fractions. We looked at the importance of bees in our lives and the pollination process in science and geography. We also became master artists creating some fantastic artwork and collages.
We are looking forward to Term 4 after a well-rested break.
Weekly focus: We are in the right place at the right time
What it looks like:
- There is no teacher on duty until school starts at 8:30am
- If I arrive too early (before 8:30am) I need to sit on the office steps and wait for the school bell
- Classrooms are out of bounds before school
- Decks and verandahs are out of bounds before school
- I need my school hat on outside
Library news
Book Week
Wednesday 21 October is our book character parade and dress up day. This year’s theme is Curious Creatures Wild Minds. Students are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character on this day. We will be celebrating this year with a separate K-2 and 3-6 parade to ensure we are adhering to Covid restrictions. Unfortunately we cannot invite families along this year, however, we will make sure lots of photos are taken and shared.
I want to say a huge thanks to all the students who participated in our poster making competition. There were many outstanding, creative designs, which made choosing the winning posters very difficult. Congratulations to Amelia and Kahlia from 2P who teamed up and produced a colourful poster with lots of book characters and all the information needed. Congratulations to Annie and Tyla from 5S who both produced posters of an excellent standard. These students will sit on our VIP chairs during the parade and their posters will be displayed around the school.