Newsletter Term 4 Week 1 2022
"We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians on whose land our school rests. Their footsteps and whispers blow in the wind, drift on the clouds, remain deep in the sandstone and float on the waterways of this place. Their memories and Dreaming stories will continue to connect us to the land and guide future generations of our school community. Country is alive if you take the time to look, listen and learn."
Principal's Message
Dear BNPS Families,
Welcome back to Term 4, we hope that the school holidays gave you the opportunity to slow down and spend time connecting with family and friends.
We are looking forward to our final term of the 2022 school year and remind parents of the importance of keeping up to date with our school newsletter each week, as we will be publishing the dates and details of all of the special events that will be coming up throughout the term.
Our Stage 3 students have had an exciting start to the school term as they ventured off to Point Wolstoncroft Sport and Recreation Camp. Reports from the team are that the students are having a wonderful time together and we can’t wait to hear all about their adventures when they return on Wednesday afternoon!
We also wish to congratulate two of our incredibly talented athletes, Darcy H and Chris O who travelled to Queensland in the school holidays to represent NSW in the National PSSA Rugby Union Tournament. This is a phenomenal achievement that demonstrates the enormous determination and skill these students possess. We are so proud of them for achieving such a high accolade and representing their school and state with passion and integrity.
End of Term 4 Changes
One significant change for our families to be aware of is that the Department of Education has announced a change to the last day of Term 4 for students. Students will now finish school on Friday 16 December 2022.
This change is due to an additional School Development Day announced for staff across NSW public schools. School Development Days allow our staff to participate in professional learning, which was put on hold due to COVID-19 staffing pressures, and plan ahead for 2023 to ensure we meet the needs of our students.
With this change, we ask that you arrange alternative care for your child on Monday 19 December.
While there will be no classes on Monday 19 December, if you cannot arrange alternative care for your child, we will provide minimal supervision at school.
Kindergarten 2023 Orientation
We are currently planning to welcome our new Kindergarten students for their orientation sessions on November 10th and 17th. The mornings our new students share with us at school are vitally important in building confidence, familiarity and supporting our students in making a positive start to their journey through school.
We ask that any families yet to enroll their students for 2023 do so ASAP, so that we can ensure they are included in our orientation program and we can support their transition to school.
Please contact the school office if you have questions regarding Kindergarten orientation, enrolment or starting school.
Tell Them From Me
Thank you to the 10 parents who have completed the parent survey. We would love to hear from more parents, as this is an important survey that provides us with an opportunity to reflect on how we can continue to build our sense of belonging, and it assists us with planning forward to continue to improve our fabulous school.
The Department of Education also looks at this information across our public schools and assists them with providing their strategic directions.
To access the survey, please visit: Survey (
COVID Isolation requirements
You may have heard that the National Cabinet announced their decision to remove isolation requirements for COVID-19 positive cases. The NSW DoE is working to ensure our COVID-smart settings are aligned when the changes to isolation come into effect on Friday 14th October. Until we have further advice from the DoE, our school will continue to follow the same measures that we had in place for Term 3.
Kind regards
Brooke Keevers
School News
Friday Timetable
Further to the changes we instated at the end of last term to accommodate our students’ participation in PSSA sport, our teachers have evaluated the new timetable and will be moving the afternoon recess break to 1:20pm.
Our new Friday timetable as of Friday the 14th of October will be as follows:
11:00-12:00 Lunch
1:20-1:40 Recess
This timetable is for all students K-6 on Fridays only. The school canteens menu will reflect these timetable changes.
Check In
Check-in assessments are an online assessment for students that are mapped to the NSW Syllabuses and National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.
In weeks 2 and 3 of Term 4 our students from Years 3-5 will complete assessments in reading and numeracy.
Our teachers can access feedback soon after the completion of the assessments that will assist us in planning future teaching and learning that supports our students.
Rachel Ridley,
R/Deputy Principal
Class Snapshot - 2R
The Week Ahead
13 October Writer's Workshop - Day 2
19 October State Drama Festival Rehearsal (Yrs 3 &4)
20 October Colour Run K - 6
20 October State Drama Festival Matinee and Evening Performance
The Colour Run
This event at our school promises to be lots of fantastic, messy fun! The Colour Run is raising funds to purchase science, literacy and mathematics resources for the classrooms. Students run/walk/skip around a designated course here at school, socialising with friends, being covered in vibrant colours and almost forgetting that they are exercising! Adding interest and duration to the course along the way will be obstacles and challenges to make it more fun!
Our students will be bringing home a pledge card this week to collect sponsors for our Colour Run. Sponsors can pay online (preferred method of payment) or in cash when each child returns their sponsorship card. It would be fantastic if you could encourage your child to be involved in this, as it builds a shared sense of responsibility and ownership towards making a difference for our school.
ALSO we have some fabulous prizes:
- a pizza lunch for the class that raises the most and a chance to COLOUR BOMB the teachers
- movie tickets for the family for the child that raises the most in K-2 and 3-6
To donate online, click on this link:
or go to our website or schoolzine app, and go to 'Make a Payment'.
- Add the student's name you are donating for.
- Add their class and DOB (it's ok if this isn't 100% accurate!).
- Click 'Next' and add your contact details.
- List the 'Payment Type' as 'Other'
- In the Description write 'Colour Run'
- Add the amount and the card holder's details.
- Submit!
We also accept cash!
We would appreciate all donations and pledge cards be returned to school by Tuesday 18th October.The students are quite excited about the class prize for the day! Parents are welcome to attend on the day to watch the fun.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
When is it being held?
Thursday 20th October at 1:45pm
Should students wear special clothes?
We are expecting the students to come dressed in mufti. However, the powered paint will show best on white clothes. Eyewear such as swimming goggles, snorkelling goggles, sunnies or safety goggles are a must.
Do the powders clean up easily?
Yes. Powders will wash into the grass, off trees with the first rains. Otherwise a bucket or a hose will do the same job. Powders will not permanently mark paths or buildings. They dust/wash off very easily. Powders will wash off the skin and out of hair with the first wash with soap. Powders will wash out of clothes with the first wash. This being said, most people don’t wear their most expensive shirt on the day.
What about asthmatics?
While the powders are generally not inhaled by the participants, it is never a good idea to expose people with respiratory illnesses to flying dust particles and the like.
How safe are the powders?
The school is using powders that are made purely from corn flour and food colouring.
How and where can I donate to raise funds for the quality texts?
Payment can be made online via the school website or the Schoolzine app -‘Make a Payment’, payment type – OTHER, description – COLOUR RUN
What if I don’t want my child to participate?
If you do not want your child to participate, you must advise your classroom teacher via email to before the day.
Band News
Band 2023 – Join our Fabulous Band Program. We are excited!
We are delighted to invite students who will be in Years 3 -5 in 2023, to join our band program next year. Playing an instrument and being part of a large team such as a band is an enjoyable, social experience, benefitting the children in many ways. There is a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from playing an instrument as well as many other benefits including improved literacy and mathematical skills, better coordination, social development, organisation skills, leadership and much more.
Recruitment for our next years’ bands has begun with a lot more activities this term. Students will be exposed to many opportunities to learn about band and playing an instrument over the next few weeks.
Parent Information Evening – to hear about joining band. Thursday 27 October 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Please make a diary note to come along and hear about our fabulous band program. This session is a good opportunity to learn about the band program. Our concert band is putting together a special presentation where you will enjoy their performances, learn about the instruments from the players themselves and hear from our Director of Bands about the opportunities and positive experience your child can have as a member of the band. Plus there will be plenty of time to ask questions. Please bring your future band member/budding musician along also. They will really enjoy it.
More information about joining band will be provided so keep an eye out in the newsletter, schoolzine and other channels.